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The Gondolas of Venice

by Coole Photography on November 26, 2014 Leave a comment

Nothing says Venice more than the infamous gondoliers and their gondolas. It seems that every inch of the alleyways lining the canals are filled by men in the traditional outfit asking if you are looking for a gondola, sadly given the prices now, only the wealthiest tourists are! The charge during my trip was 80 euros for 30 minutes, and normally that would have instantly put me off, but you can’t shoot Venice without getting those low level shots taken on a gondola trip! As over-priced as the trips are they really are an experience, especially for photographers. Not only do you get your low level shots, but you can also scope out new places to return to after your ride is over.

My days were filled with long walks, finding beautiful locations and then waiting, sometimes for quite a while, for a gondola to sail past. The addition of the boats and the colourful guys rowing them really added to the shots and gave them a truly Venetian feel. These first few images were taken during my gondola ride; although pricey I hope that they were a good investment, in time I’ll be able to tell you if they were, but at the moment all I can do is hope!

Gondolier taking tourists on gondola boat ride on the narrow canals of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Venice. Gondolier taking tourists on gondola boat ride on the narrow canals of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Venice. Gondolier taking tourists on gondola boat ride on the narrow canals of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Venice. Gondolier taking tourists on gondola boat ride on the narrow canals of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Venice. Gondolier taking tourists on gondola boat ride on the narrow canals of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Venice. Gondolier taking tourists on gondola boat ride on the narrow canals of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Venice. Gondolier taking tourists on gondola boat ride on the narrow canals of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Venice.

The next set of images are of my favourite places in Venice, made better (I hope!) by the gondolas floating through them. If anyone has any questions about locations or settings used please do leave a comment and I’ll do my best to either pin point the shot or explain how I got there.

Gondolier taking tourists on gondola boat ride on the narrow canals of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Venice. Gondolier taking tourists on gondola boat ride on the narrow canals of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Venice. Gondolier taking tourists on gondola boat ride on the narrow canals of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Venice. Gondolier taking tourists on gondola boat ride on the narrow canals of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Venice. Gondolier taking tourists on gondola boat ride on the narrow canals of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Venice. Gondolier taking tourists on gondola boat ride on the narrow canals of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Venice. Gondolier taking tourists on gondola boat ride on the narrow canals of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Venice. Gondolier taking tourists on gondola boat ride on the narrow canals of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Venice. Gondolier taking tourists on gondola boat ride on the narrow canals of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Venice. Gondolier taking tourists on gondola boat ride on the narrow canals of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Venice. Gondolier taking tourists on gondola boat ride on the narrow canals of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Venice. Gondolier taking tourists on gondola boat ride on the narrow canals of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Venice. Gondolier taking tourists on gondola boat ride on the narrow canals of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Venice. Gondolier taking tourists on gondola boat ride on the narrow canals of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Venice. Gondolier taking tourists on gondola boat ride on the narrow canals of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Venice.
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