Home > Assignment > Shiny, Happy Silk Air Feature

Shiny, Happy Silk Air Feature

by Coole Photography on April 5, 2016 Leave a comment

I was recently asked to provide the award-winning monthly in-flight magazine of Silk Air, namely Silkwinds, with a colourful and inspiring feature about the tribal groups found around Asia.

For readers who have followed my career through the years you’ll know how proud I am of my tribal images and how I like to promote these fascinating groups of people who manage to keep their traditions and customs alive in this forever advancing world; and so I jumped at the chance to be included in their New Year issue.

The brief was simple – to inspire – so you would think choosing a set of images would be simple, well think again! Over the years I have shot hundreds of tribal images and I love each and every one of them; so choosing between 10 and 15 shots was an absolute nightmare… In the end I tried to show a diverse range of what can be seen around Asia, hoping that at least one tribal group would inspire at least one person.

“Silkwinds presents a different perspective on travel in that a destination is an experience and not just a place to visit. With exciting stories and stunning photography, Silkwinds keeps readers abreast of the best in Asia and explores the latest products, food trends, fashion, personalities and entertainment.”

Click here to see the full issue

Click here to download just my photo feature as a PDF

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